Over the next couple of weeks I will be working on improving this site's performance. But to do that, it's best to start with a baseline measurements, so we know what we are up against.
(basically lighthouse)
The big four:
- performance: 87
- accessibility: 100
- best practices: 87
- SEO: 100
Certain detailed metrics and info:
- FCP: 2.0s
- Speed Index: 3.8s
- LCP: 3.6s
- Time to Interactive: 3.0s
- Total Blocking Time: 150ms
- CLS: 0.006
- Links to cross-origin destinations are unsafe (Twitter&Github links are without
attrs) - Browser errors were logged to the console
CLS Desktop: 0.035
CLS Mobile: 0
- LCP: 3.056s
- CLS: 0.003
- Total Blocking Time: 0
- First Byte Time: 36/100
- Use progressive JPEGs: 0/100
- Leverage browser caching of static assets: 88/100; FAILED - (No max-age or expires) - https://pwisniewski.pl/members/api/site/
It's not great, it's not terrible ☢️️. CLS is consistently green, most other metrics are either green or close to it. There are some concerns with LCP, which I will try to address, and some minor issues that can provide relatively quick and easy gain - i.e. minifying stylesheet (which, admittedly, surprised me; I'm using Ghost CMS here, and thought it would handle this itself) and taking care of some wild console errors.
I wonder how well can I fix it? 🤔