

Web Developer. Technology passionate. Space enthusiast. VR goer. Of many interests and ideas, oftentimes quickly forgotten. But sometimes just not so much.

Open minded skeptic. If you can prove to me (or, at the very least, make it credible) that ghosts exist (right after defining what a "ghost" is), that's fine, I'll happily accept it. And then prod it till I understand what the heck is it.

Ancient Celtic lore, bastardized by modern neopagans, rocks. The Wheel of the Year is so very climatic.

Live and let live.


This site runs on Ghost CMS and uses custom (modified to suit my needs) Atilla theme.

All ambient images, unless specifically stated otherwise, are royalty free, usually taken from Unsplash. Recently, I also started experimenting with images created by AI; and while there is some uncertainty, whether such works are a subject of copyrights at all, just to make it simpler I declare that - if I do have any rights to them - any such works generated by me for this blog to be in public domain; and if I don't, it's in public domain (or licence-free/ licence-zero) by default, so it's not copyrighted either way. Such images will be described with "⊚ CC0".

All example images (screenshots etc.), unless specifically stated otherwise, are made by me.

All texts, unless specifically stated otherwise, are writted by me. If you'd like to use them, I'd rather you link to my page. But if you really, really must copy'n'paste it somewhere, please just link to me somewhere close.


You can contact me using Twitter (yeah, not terribly active there, but I still read if anyone calls me) or Github, or send me an oldfashioned email at contact [at] pwisniewski.pl; I promise to answer ASAP.